PDF⋙ Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws by Lisa Guerin, Sachi Barreiro

Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws by Lisa Guerin, Sachi Barreiro

Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws

Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws by Lisa Guerin, Sachi Barreiro PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Navigating an employer’s obligations under federal employments laws can be confusing and overwhelming. The FMLA, ADA, FLSA, NLRA--it can be difficult just to keep the acronyms straight! With the The Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws, you’ll learn the ins and outs of the 20 major federal employment laws, including:

  • which businesses must comply with each law

  • what each law allows and prohibits

  • which federal agency enforces each law

  • and practical tips to remain within the scope of the law

    Each chapter is dedicated to explaining and demystifying one federal employment law, including:

  • the Americans with Disabilities Act

  • the Family and Medical Leave Act

  • the Fair Labor Standards Act

  • the National Labor Relations Act

  • the Equal Pay Act

  • and much more

    Stay ahead of the game and protect your company and yourself--get The Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws.

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