PDF⋙ Directing the ERP Implementation: A Best Practice Guide to Avoiding Program Failure Traps While Tuning System Performance (Resource Management) by Michael W. Pelphrey

Directing the ERP Implementation: A Best Practice Guide to Avoiding Program Failure Traps While Tuning System Performance (Resource Management) by Michael W. Pelphrey

Directing the ERP Implementation: A Best Practice Guide to Avoiding Program Failure Traps While Tuning System Performance (Resource Management)

Directing the ERP Implementation: A Best Practice Guide to Avoiding Program Failure Traps While Tuning System Performance (Resource Management) by Michael W. Pelphrey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Although many books outline approaches for successful ERP implementations, the data shows that most ERP efforts yield minimal return on investment (ROI), with most projects failing. Directing the ERP Implementation: A Best Practice Guide to Avoiding Program Failure Traps While Tuning System Performance supplies best practices along with a proven roadmap for improving the odds of system implementation success.

By adhering to the time-tested framework outlined in the book, your organization will be able to commit to the precepts and practices that lead to successful implementations. Supplying an innovative and fast-track, yet comprehensive, approach to ERP implementation success, the book provides practical guidance to help executive leadership do the right things along the ERP journey.

  • Explains how to engineer a project plan, generate requirements, and obtain a results-oriented commitment

  • Details the practical deployment framework essential for success and includes a variety of tools to position an organization for success

  • Describes how to ensure proactive involvement by the project team, executive sponsors, stakeholders, and working-level systems champions

Highlighting the essential planning ingredients that are frequently omitted from ERP implementation start-ups, the book provides readers with the planning framework and proven foundational methods and principles to ensure smooth planning and systems deployment, product quality, and maximum ROI.

The book covers everything from software selection and integration to common snags, traps, and black holes. Best practice tool sets include proven methods such as information workmanship standard, which defines quality; conference room piloting, which assists in matching teams to objectives seamlessly; education, training, and implementation framework, which addresses preparing the operating production environment; and project monitoring and deployment, covering project and risk management.

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