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Electrical Design Of Commercial And Industrial Buildings by John Hauck

Electrical Design Of Commercial And Industrial Buildings

Electrical Design Of Commercial And Industrial Buildings by John Hauck PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A Hands-On Approach to Electrical Design Electrical Design of Commercial and Industrial Buildings teaches students the critical components of electrical design through an integrated approach that combines fundamental theory with hands-on practice. By taking an applied-learning approach to instruction, this text explains electrical principles, design criteria, codes, and other key elements of the design process, then guides students through each step as they create their own electrical design plans. A companion Student Resource CD-ROM accompanies the printed textbook with sample plans - accompanied by example equipment lists, lighting fixture schedules, and calculation templates - provides students with a comprehensive framework for experiential learning. As an integrated learning tool, Electrical Design of Commercial and Industrial Buildings is both an essential teaching guide for electrical design instructors and an enduring reference book for students and professionals.

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