PDF⋙ The Armor of Light: Stained Glass in Western France, 1250-1325 by Meredith Parsons Lillich
The Armor of Light: Stained Glass in Western France, 1250-1325 by Meredith Parsons Lillich
The Armor of Light: Stained Glass in Western France, 1250-1325 by Meredith Parsons Lillich PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The period Lillich chronicles begins with the region's new vitality following the knights' return from the crusades and ends with the onset of economic uncertainty and unrest that preceded the Hundred Years' War. She reveals that the stained glass of this 75-year span is forceful and uninhibited, dramatic and dazzling, characteristic of what we now term expressionism. Lillich tracks and identifies painters, glazing shops, working methods, models, and sources to argue that the stained glass is a major style with its own developmental evolution and character, putting to rest the notion that this art is merely transitional and provincial.
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