PDF⋙ Cool Capitalism by Jim McGuigan

Cool Capitalism by Jim McGuigan

Cool Capitalism

Cool Capitalism by Jim McGuigan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Thomas Frank coined the term ‘the conquest of cool’. This book shows how this conquest is at the heart of the dynamics of contemporary capitalism.

Jim McGuigan argues that 'cool capitalism' incorporates disaffection into capitalism itself, absorbing rebellion and thereby neutralising opposition to the present system of culture and society.

McGuigan explores a huge variety of cultural examples, from the sleek images of mainstream advertising, to the fringes of artistic production, offering a vigourous critique of our understanding of subversion, resistance and counter-culturalism.

Has capitalism really colonised our planet? McGuigan shows that there is still some space left for rebellion against the seductive power of the free market economy.

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