PDF⋙ Sources of the Western Tradition: Volume 1: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment, Brief Edition by Marvin Perry

Sources of the Western Tradition: Volume 1: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment, Brief Edition by Marvin Perry

Sources of the Western Tradition: Volume 1: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment, Brief Edition

Sources of the Western Tradition: Volume 1: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment, Brief Edition by Marvin Perry PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This brief, two-volume primary source reader emphasizes the history of ideas. Based on the full-length Sources of the Western Tradition, 6/e, this text allows instructors to introduce a limited number of documents in Western Civilization and present an affordable option to students. While this reader works as an accompaniment to any Western Civilization course, it makes an ideal companion for Perry's Western Civilization, 7/e, or Western Civilization: A Brief History, 5/e.

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