PDF⋙ Runaway Girl: A Nurse's Story by Lois Gerber

Runaway Girl: A Nurse's Story by Lois Gerber

Runaway Girl: A Nurse's Story

Runaway Girl: A Nurse's Story by Lois Gerber PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Fifteen-year-old Connie Sinclair struggles to find a way to support herself after running away from home, a small dirt farm in western Pennsylvania. Arriving in Pittsburgh, she experiences many disappointments. Finally, she lies about her name and age to meet the enrollment requirements of a hospital nurses' training program of the 1920s. Connie works in the hospital's kitchen, laundry, and central supply departments while learning to take care of and comfort sick patients, various treatments for the common diseases, and how to get along with people--the other students, the patients, and her superiors. After a hospital fire, her identity lie is exposed, and  she is forced to deal with the consequences of misrepresenting herself.
"Runaway Girl: A Nurse's Story' reveals the strength and resiliency of nurses, traits that have identified the profession from time immemorial.

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